I've added a map of Central America, because if you're anything like me before I started researching, you aren't familiar with the location of any countries south of Mexico. So, check this out, and see where I will be located in relation to most of you normal people this summer: 
**Note to readers- Please read this section with the light-hearted sarcasm that I intended here. Otherwise, you could become seriously offended! =) Thanks!

This map is included so that you can identify with the rough situation I will be encountering in less the two weeks. I have sacrificed an entire month of my summer to work in Belize City, Belize, which is located on the eastern coast facing the Caribbean Sea. Now, some of my classmates have chosen to take the easy way out and spend their summer in the remotest villages of Africa, with little connection to the outside world, and no modern amenities, but not me. No, I have boldly taken a challenge to help others in a location where everyone wants to go. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I suffer for the cause! **
So, as for my last two weeks in the states before I embark on this journey: finishing finals, working at Opportunities, Inc., and trying to prepare my husband for a month of responsibility. It's going pretty well so far, as I only have one paper left to write for school, and a big fund-raiser Bass Tournament at work will wrap up our Spring campaign this weekend. As for preparing my household to run without me for a month, it will be fine. I'm just trying to write everything down that he might need, i.e. account #s, passwords, when bills are due, how to load the dishwasher, and when to water the flowers. He's a self-sufficient man, please don't let me paint the picture otherwise, but I am trying to remember that he's never EVER lived by himself for more than a week or two at a time... so it should be a fun journey for him, as well. If you're going to be in Texarkana, or Little Rock from May 18th to June 15th, call my husband. He will be bored, and will need company... and maybe someone to change the sheets on the bed. =)

So, as for my last two weeks in the states before I embark on this journey: finishing finals, working at Opportunities, Inc., and trying to prepare my husband for a month of responsibility. It's going pretty well so far, as I only have one paper left to write for school, and a big fund-raiser Bass Tournament at work will wrap up our Spring campaign this weekend. As for preparing my household to run without me for a month, it will be fine. I'm just trying to write everything down that he might need, i.e. account #s, passwords, when bills are due, how to load the dishwasher, and when to water the flowers. He's a self-sufficient man, please don't let me paint the picture otherwise, but I am trying to remember that he's never EVER lived by himself for more than a week or two at a time... so it should be a fun journey for him, as well. If you're going to be in Texarkana, or Little Rock from May 18th to June 15th, call my husband. He will be bored, and will need company... and maybe someone to change the sheets on the bed. =)
Oh, by the way... I have updated my list to the right with all the blogs of my classmates, so you should be able to follow the links and check out what they're doing. What an amazing group of people I get to associate myself with in this capacity! Enjoy.
**Note to readers- Please read this section with the light-hearted sarcasm that I intended here. Otherwise, you could become seriously offended! =) Thanks!
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